
Cheese and bacon rolls

I couldn’t help myself today.  After making the cinnamon scrolls yesterday all I could think about doing was using the recipe to make bacon and cheese rolls because the bread was just to light and fluffy and yummy and well I just love a good cheese and bacon roll with a coffee for morning or afternoon tea.

cheese and bacon roll
yummy with a coffee

Instead of rolling out to make the scrolls I shaped the dough into a big ball and then cut it into 4 pieces and then cut each piece in half and then in half again so I ended up with 16 pieces which I then rolled into balls and placed in a backing tray lined with backing paper and let rest  to double in size.

dough cut into 16 pieces

I chopped up 2 bacon rashers and sprinkled evenly over the scrolls and then covered them with about a cup and a half of grated cheese.  Oven was preheated at 160 degrees and I placed the rolls on the bottom of the oven.  I have a fan forced oven but turned the fan off so that I didn’t burn the scrolls.  They were baked for 30 mins.

bacon and cheese scrolls added ready for the oven
ready for the oven

The smell was so divine, very tasty and the dough was lovely and fluffy.  Definitely using this recipe to make bread rolls when I need them next and I think I would cut the dough into 12 pieces instead of 16.  I also had a look into the kneading and rising (proofing ) my machine does so that if you are doing this without the bread machine you know how long to do this for.

My machine takes 1.5 hrs to knead and rise the dough so if you are going to do this without a machine I would mix the ingredient together in your mixer/bowl and then turn out onto a floured surface.  Knead well, roll into a ball and put it in a greased bowl, cover and place it in a warm place to double in size (so around 30 mins).  Do this again 2 more times at 30 min intervals (or till doubled in size) before cutting and shaping for your rolls (I hope that makes sense)

So enjoy another great idea for your next morning or afternoon tea snack.  Hmm what else can I do with this lol stay tuned …….

Jennifer xx

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