
Korker ribbon

A little while ago I had one of my lovely friends from my previous workplace ask if I can make korker bows.  Well I had no idea what a korker bow was and after asking Google I found  it was something that I had seen many a time and is very popular but didn’t know that was what it was called.

korker bow tutorial
Korker bow tutorial


Anyway after making them for her daughter I thought it would be a great idea to make them for my girls to wear in their team house colours for sports day.  And of course wanted to share with you how it’s done too.

You will need:

  • wooden pegs (they need to be wooden as you will be baking these in the oven, yep your oven)
  • some lengths of dowel (I bought a length of 1800 mm and hubby cut it down to approx 12 inch lengths)
  • grosgrain ribbon (this seems to work the best)
  • hair ties
  • needle and thread
  • starch spray (optional)
ribbon, wooden pegs, dowel
what you will need (forgot to add the hair ties)

To set the ribbon you will need to preheat your oven at 160, then while this is happening get your ribbon and attached it to the top of a piece of dowel with a wooden peg.  Twist the ribbon around the dowel as tight as you can all the way down to the bottom, cut and fasten with another peg.  It’s as easy as that.

attache ribbon to dowel with a peg
attach ribbon to the dowel with a peg
twist ribbon as tight as you can
twist ribbon as tight as you can

Repeat this as many times as you like and then place the dowel on a baking tray and put in the oven for 30 mins.  Take out the oven and leave to cool down before cutting into even lengths.  Once cooled you can, and this is optional, spray your ribbon with starch for extra hold of the curl.  As I am only making 2 korker bows I made 6 of each colour and cut them in half so that I had 12 even lengths of each.  But you can make these as short or as long as you wish.

ribbon wrapped around dowl
ribbon wrapped around dowel
bake in the oven for 30 mins
bake in the oven for 30 mins
ribbon cut into even lengths
ribbon cut into even lengths

With your needle and thread, thread your ribbon in alternate colours through the middle of each one.  When you have the amount of ribbon you want for the bow threaded on, pull the ribbon together really tight and wrap the thread around a couple of times and then push the needle back through again to hold them all together.

push your needle and thread through the middle of the ribbon
push your needle and thread through the middle of the ribbon
alternate your colours
alternate your colours
pull ribbon together tight and wrap your thread around
pull ribbon together tight and wrap your thread around

All that is left now is to attach the ribbons to your hair tie and to do this you need to wrap your thread around the hair tie as tight as you can then tie a knot in the thread.  Because the hair tie was so thick I actually placed the needle through the tie before wrapping the thread around it and then back through and then tied a knot.

wrap your thread around the hair tie and fasten with a knot
wrap your thread around the hair tie and fasten with a knot
all done and ready to wear
all done and ready to wear

All done and ready to wear. You can also attach your ribbon to a hair clip as well with glue and also embellish.  Have fun!!

Jennifer xx


Cheese and bacon rolls

I couldn’t help myself today.  After making the cinnamon scrolls yesterday all I could think about doing was using the recipe to make bacon and cheese rolls because the bread was just to light and fluffy and yummy and well I just love a good cheese and bacon roll with a coffee for morning or afternoon tea.

cheese and bacon roll
yummy with a coffee

Instead of rolling out to make the scrolls I shaped the dough into a big ball and then cut it into 4 pieces and then cut each piece in half and then in half again so I ended up with 16 pieces which I then rolled into balls and placed in a backing tray lined with backing paper and let rest  to double in size.

dough cut into 16 pieces

I chopped up 2 bacon rashers and sprinkled evenly over the scrolls and then covered them with about a cup and a half of grated cheese.  Oven was preheated at 160 degrees and I placed the rolls on the bottom of the oven.  I have a fan forced oven but turned the fan off so that I didn’t burn the scrolls.  They were baked for 30 mins.

bacon and cheese scrolls added ready for the oven
ready for the oven

The smell was so divine, very tasty and the dough was lovely and fluffy.  Definitely using this recipe to make bread rolls when I need them next and I think I would cut the dough into 12 pieces instead of 16.  I also had a look into the kneading and rising (proofing ) my machine does so that if you are doing this without the bread machine you know how long to do this for.

My machine takes 1.5 hrs to knead and rise the dough so if you are going to do this without a machine I would mix the ingredient together in your mixer/bowl and then turn out onto a floured surface.  Knead well, roll into a ball and put it in a greased bowl, cover and place it in a warm place to double in size (so around 30 mins).  Do this again 2 more times at 30 min intervals (or till doubled in size) before cutting and shaping for your rolls (I hope that makes sense)

So enjoy another great idea for your next morning or afternoon tea snack.  Hmm what else can I do with this lol stay tuned …….

Jennifer xx

bread, Uncategorized

Cinnamon Scrolls

Who doesn’t love cinnamon scrolls, I really don’t have a sweet tooth but just love the odd cinnamon scroll every now and then and over the last couple of years have tried to make them a quick and easy way but unfortunately just find them dense and dry.

cinnamon scroll

If your gonna make them you just have to make them the right way and that is with a bit of kneading, a bit of rising, a little bit more kneading and a little bit more of rising (or proofing if you want to be a little bit more technical).

I found this recipe the other week when I finally decided to put my bread making machine into good use again.  I say again as one I was very lucky to inherit this bread maker from Hubby’s gorgeous Grandfather who I loved very much and would always bake fresh bread everytime we would visit for morning tea (miss you Granddad).

I promise I will try this recipe without using the machine for the kneading and proofing side of things so that I can share it with you but if you have a bread making machine you have to give it a go.

The following ingredient should be added to your machine in the order that is given (so wet ingredient first, then the dry):

  • Water 290ml
  • Egg, lightly beaten
  • butter 2 tablespoons
  • salt 1 teaspoon
  • sugar 2 tablespoons
  • Bread Flour 525g or 3 1/2 cups
  • milk powder 3 tablespoons
  • bread improver 1 teaspoon
  • 1 yeast packet or 2 1/4 teaspoon (I used 1 Tandaco yeast packet)

for the filling:

  • 4 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecan nuts
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons ground cinnamon

for the glaze

  • 1/2 cup icing sugar
  • 2 tablespoons milk

Now I can’t stress how important it is to use good bread flour.  I have tried with generic brand flours and as it is cheap to buy but for the best and tastiest result you really should buy a good brand of bakers flour.

So if you are using a bread machine you would choose the option for dough as you will be baking these in your oven.  After your machine has finished kneading and rising your dough (my machine take 1.5 hrs to do this), roll your dough out to approx. 40 x 35 cm square.  Melt your butter and brush half over your dough.

cinnamon scroll with buttler
mummy’s little helper today is Miss Grace

Combine the brown sugar, nuts and cinnamon (I didn’t have pecans so used almonds) and spread all over the dough.  Drizzle the rest of the melted butter over the pecan/sugar/cinnamon mix and roll the dough into a big sausage roll and cut into about a inch thick slice.

Line your baking tray with baking paper and place your scrolls about 5 cm apart (these babies really double in size so you will need to give them some room) and leave covered in a warm place for about 25 mins or till they double in size. While this is happening preheat your oven at 180 degrees.

cinnamon scrolls

When doubled in size bake in the oven for about 25 to 30 mins or till golden brown and brush with the icing sugar glaze.

And just eat.  They are so yum.


Jennifer xx

PS. would love to know if you tried this without a bread machine




Philly cheese and steak sandwich

Just had the yummiest steak sandwich for dinner tonight.  Hubby and I recently celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary and spent 2 nights away at the lovely Lyola retreat in Maleny.  On our way up we had lunch at The Coffee Club and hubby ordered the Philly Steak n Cheese sandwich for lunch.

Of course when we have something we really enjoyed for breakfast, lunch or dinner hubby and I always take a good look and a few notes so that I can try and replicate it at home and this was definitely one of them.

philly steak and cheese sandwich



So what is on this delicious sandwich you ask, well here is what you need:

  • Philadelphia cream cheese spread
  • rocket
  • char grilled peppers (capsicum)
  • steak
  • glazed balsamic vinegar
  • cheddar cheese
  • caramelized onions
  • ciabatta loaf
  • olive oil

Now you can find the char grilled peppers, caramilised onion and glazed balsamic vinegar in jars at your local supermarket (mine was Woolworth).  First of all you cook your steak to the way you like, rare, medium rare or well done.  For me I cheated I had a few pieces of minute steak and I slow cooked it all day in some beef stock.  It was so lovely and tender.

With the ciabatta loaf, splash 2 slices with some olive oil and toast one side of the bread.  Now all you need to do is build your sandwich.  For the first layer spread on a good thick layer of philly cream cheese and then top it with some rocket.

Your next layer is your peppers and then on top of that add your steak.  I sliced my steak into strips but if you wish you can leave it whole.  Grab your glazed balsamic vinegar and cover the steak like you would with tomato sauce (or just to your liking).  The next thing to add is your slice of cheddar cheese then place under your grill to melt.

When your cheese is lovely and gooey add some caramlised onion then pop on the lid (ciabatta bread) and enjoy.  I served this with yummy beer battered chips from McCains.

Let me know what you think or if you have a variation that is yummy!

Jennifer xx




Dino boy turn’s 3

Hello my lovely’s how have you been.  Yep I am trying once again to get back into blogging and thought I would start by sharing my little man’s 3rd birthday.  He turned 3 on Sunday, yes I know 3 so hard to believe but what can you do lol.

He is dinosaur obsessed at the moment so as you can imagine he got lots of dinosaur pressies from all the family.  The weather has been gloomy on and off and rained on Saturday but was lovely and sunny on Sunday just for us (well I like to think so lol).

Here a few pictures from his big day!

Jennifer xx


Surprise Date Night

My wonderful hubby surprised me with a night away down the Gold Coast and dinner at one of my fave restaurants Ashmore Steak and Seafood.

royal pines resort villa
Our villa for the night

We stayed at the Royal Woods Resort in Ashmore. Its lovely accommodation and the resort is always peaceful and quiet.

Ashmore Steak and Seafood restaurant
Ashmore Steak and Seafood restaurant

I love Ashmore Steak and Seafood. We were introduced to this restaurant back in 1999 when we have friends from overseas come over and visit us. I have never had a bad meal and the seafood is always fresh and they always give you too much.

And the staff are always lovely and friendly.

So if you are ever down the coast stop by and have a great lunch or dinner. I promise you want regret it.

Jennifer xx


Moving to WordPress


Hello my lovely’s how are you all been in my absence.  I have been really busy with Bits & Bobs 4 bubs and have recently changed the blog over to wordpress.


I have also finally made my very first nappy bag set.  It comes with a matching nappy wallet and change mat.  I just love the Heather Bailey fabric that I have had sitting in my fabric stash waiting for to find out what it will be turned into.

mod bead sway lime heather baily 6 pocket nappy bag combo  Collage

Another new item to the store are my waterproof seat pads for potting training to use in your pram/stroller or car seat.  I have a few in both stores and lots more all cut out reading to be sewn together and listed.


But during all this I have also still been cooking and making a few little things here and there which I can’t wait to share with you.  But first it’s the school holiday time and hubby is off as well so we have lots of things planned with the kids.

I am also going to try and fit sometime in between our outings to change Eat Craft Sow over to wordpress. After changing over Bits & Bobs 4 Bubs I just love that I have better control over the blog and can add a few more features.

Anyway hope you all have a fabulous next 2 weeks and hopefully I will see you all over at the new blog.  (I will be importing everything over from this blog so that you can still find any of your favorite tutorials, recipes etc.

Jennifer xx




Nutella Rolled French Toast


I thought I would share a recipe that I found watching Good Chef Bad Chef yesterday.  Adrian Richardson cooked french toast with nutella and so this morning I made it for the kids cos what kid doesn’t like nutella.


It is so easy to make and you don’t have to cook it in a frying pan, you can bake them in the oven for around 10-15 minutes or until golden brown.  You can find the recipe here.


Now it’s not something I would make everyday but it is a nice treat and I am planning on making it for brekkie when we go camping next.

Enjoy I know the kids did this morning.

Jennifer xx

PS. the site has the picture around the wrong way but I’m sure you would love to make the french toast topped with banana too!!!